Oasis Experiences | Blog

The Boater's Lounge - Ep 3 Using Technology to Our Advantage

In this week’s episode, we are excited to have our industry partner, friend, and Waterway Guide president, Graham Jones sit down with us in the Boater’s Lounge. Waterway Guide publishes boater cruising guides, navigation charts and more each year. Boaters utilize WWG as a full resource planning tool, where they can find fuel docks, marinas and service departments on the water. The platform serves over 900,000 users today and covers all of the waterways across the country!

Listen here!

This episode will cover…

  1. The history of Waterway Guide and how this incredible brand started 75 years ago!
  2. How Waterway Guide maintains up-to-date and accurate data
  3. The importance of print and digital assets in the boating industry
  4. Some of the trends our industry is experiencing today

Learn more about Waterway Guide and all of their resources, itineraries and more, here: https://www.waterwayguide.com/

Have a guest or topic you’d like us to have in the Boater’s Lounge? Let us know! Email our team at marketing@oasismarinas.com.